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Article 1
1.1 / Website (hereinafter “the Website”):
1.2 / Publisher (hereinafter “the Publisher”): LINDERA SAS, a company with capital of €6,381,221.00, with registered offices at: 7 rue de la Méridienne – 94260 FRESNES – FRANCE, represented by Tristan DE SEVIN, in his quality as CEO, company registered at the French companies register (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés – RCS). Telephone: +33 1 49 84 99 00, email:
1.3 / Web hosting (hereinafter “the Host”): is hosted by OVH, with registered offices at 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France

Article 2 – Accessing the Website
Access and use of the Website are strictly personal. Users agree to refrain from using this Website and any information and data contained therein for commercial, political or advertisement purposes or for any form of sales prospecting and in particular the sending of unsolicited email.

Article 3 – Website content
All brands and trademarks, photographs, texts, titles and captions, illustrations, images – either stills or animated, video and audio content, as well as all computer applications that may be used to operate this site and, more generally, elements reproduced or used on the site are protected by the laws in force with regard to intellectual property.

They are the sole property of the Publisher or its partners. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation of these elements in any form either full or partial including the computer applications is strictly prohibited without the express written permission of the Publisher. The failure by the Publisher to initiate proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of such unauthorised use shall not constitute acceptance of such use and waiver of proceedings.

Article 4 – Management of the Website
To ensure the satisfactory management of the Website, the Publisher may at any moment:
  • suspend, interrupt or limit access to all or part of the Website, restrict access to the Website or certain parts thereof or to specific categories of Internet users.
  • delete any information that may disrupt the operation of the Website or which contravenes national or international laws or the rules of netiquette
  • suspend the Website in order to perform updates.

Article 5 – Liability
The Publisher cannot be held liable for any failure, breakdown, technical issue or interruption in service, and which may prevent access to the Website or to any of its functions. The user is solely responsible for equipment that they may use to access the Website. Users shall take all appropriate measures to protect their equipment and their personal data, in particular from cyber and viral attacks via the Internet. Furthermore, users are solely responsible for the Websites and data they access. The Publisher cannot be held responsible in the event of legal proceedings against the user which may arise from:
  • the use of the Website or any service accessible via the Internet;
  • the failure by the user to comply with these terms and conditions of use.
The Publisher cannot be held liable for any loss or damages caused to the user, to third parties and/or to any equipment as a result of connection to or use of the Website and, furthermore, the user waives the right to bring any proceedings against the Publisher as a result of any such incident. Where the Publisher is the subject of proceedings either amicable or legal arising from the use of the Website, it reserves the right to bring proceedings against the user to obtain compensation for all damages, sums, sentences and costs that may arise from the said proceedings.

Article 6 – Hypertext links
The Publisher gives its authorisation for the creation and posting of hypertext links to all or part of the Website by users thereof. Any links shall be removed at the request of the Publisher. The Publisher is not responsible for the publication of any information which may be accessed via a link to another website. The Publisher has no control over or rights to content published at the said link.

Article 7 – Cookies
What is a “cookie”? A “cookie” or tracker is an digital file placed on a terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) and read, for example, when accessing a website, reading an e-mail, installing or using software or a mobile application, regardless of the type of terminal used (source:

By browsing this Website, “cookies” originating from the company responsible for the Website concerned and/or third-party companies may be placed on your terminal.

When you first browse this Website, a banner explaining the use of cookies will appear. Thereafter, by continuing to browse the Website, the customer or use is deemed to have been informed of and accepted the use of the said cookies. The consent given shall be valid for a period of thirteen (13) months. The user may deactivate the cookies via the settings of their web browser.

Any data collected is used solely to monitor the volume, type and pattern of traffic using this Website, to develop the design and layout of the site and for other administrative and planning purposes and, more generally, to improve the service we offer the User. The lifetime of the cookies is thirteen months.

For more information on the use, management and deletion of cookies, for all browser types, please click on the following link:

Article 8 – Photographs and representation of products
The photographs which accompany product descriptions are not contractual and shall not engage the liability of the Publisher.

Article 9 – Applicable law
These terms and conditions of use for the Website are subject to French law and the courts in whose jurisdiction is located the registered offices of the Publisher, subject to a specific attribution of jurisdiction arising from a particular legal or regulatory text.

Article 10 – Contacting us
For any questions, requests for information regarding products displayed on the Website, or concerning the Website itself, please contact us at the following address: